Tenzin Phuntsok & Kalden Chopel
Tenzin Phuntsok & Kalden Chophel

    Kalden Chophel was among the first group of Tibetans that Lise Aagaard introduced and trained in glass bead making in the Spring of 2005. Tenzin Phuntsok heard about a company that created beautiful ornaments out of glass, and he was immediately attracted to the art.


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    Kalden Chophel is the father of two sons, and besides glass bead making, he likes trekking and bird watching, and also loves to serve stray dogs. This gives him immense pleasure and strength.

    Tenzin Phuntsok departed from Tibet at the age of 11. He studied oil painting for four years, and after that he worked as a painter. He has been working with glass for over two and a half years and dreams about owning his own art studio.


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