Louise Rimpler
Louise Rimpler

    Louise Rimpler has since 1990 been a tattoo artist in the inner city of Copenhagen. She is best known for her colorful cartoon style and is one of the most awarded female tattoo artist in Denmark.

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    Originally Louise Rimpler wanted to be an animator, but then she got tattooed herself and was deeply fascinated. People are an exciting canvas!

    “My life and mind are filled with wonderful experiences and personalities through my work as a tattoo artist. I give my customers colorful symbols that tell the story of times and places in their lives, even when they get tattooed by purely aesthetic reasons."

    "One by one, they go through a painful process in my hands, and I feel privileged to have seen them animate my drawings.

    Now I would like to invite everybody to painlessly step into my drawn universe. With scalpel and tattoo needles I carve and design in wax, making creatures and symbols come to life. It's so fun, pure magic, and I've only just begun ...”


    43 제품
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